I have been training consistently for around 11 years, changing my concentration initially from weight loss to building muscle to current overall health in all facets. I hit a massive wall in life with my health. After college, I started a full-time job, got married, had children, bought a house, and focused on furthering my career and family, letting my health slowly fade into the sunset. It finally reached a tipping point when I had to be admitted to the emergency after breaking two ribs from coughing and was 240 lbs at 5’8”. This was my moment of clarity when I realized I had to take care of myself to care for my children. I decided to concentrate on losing weight and did so instead, successfully dropping 90 lbs and 10 inches off my waist. However, due to my laser focus on the task, I didn’t realize how physically weak I was. I did not want to join a gym, so a co-worker let me borrow some videos and resistance bands. I can say good and bad things about the videos, but my strength was more significant at the end than at the beginning, which was my goal. After I had some improved power, I wanted to see what else I could do, so I bought a set of adjustable dumbbells and started finding routines online to see how I could transform my body. Once I reached a point I was delighted aesthetically, I wanted to test myself mentally and physically. Since I wouldn't say I liked running, I thought a marathon would be a perfect test. Well, a test it was; I wouldn't know I wanted every minute of the training. I felt the only part of the marathon I would enjoy would be crossing the finish line; however, I was gratefully wrong. I swore I'd be one and done, and I have since run three full and one-half marathons. While I still don't enjoy running, I have found respect and a place for it. I understand the difficulties in change, the uncertainty, the doubt, and the fear. I've been there. I know you can do it, and I can help. I don't want to be a trainer who gives you a workout plan and diet and sends you on your way; I want to focus on you and what you need to succeed. I want you to reach your goal(s) and surpass them all along the way, teaching you what you'll need to be successful without me. Let me help you.